New Show Bookings

We’ve booked a show April 24th in our home town of Bolton, over at Great Brook Farms. It’ll be fun to play in this place where we go often anyway, and hope many friends will come out to listen.

Also newly-added to our calendar: August 3rd, we’ll be featuring at Savoury Lane in West Acton, MA. And on September 9th, we’ll share an evening with Perry Desmond-Davies at the Bull Run.

Please check out our complete list of upcoming shows.

The Ritual

Faith is an accomplished spoken word artist in addition to singing, playing bass, mandolin, tenor banjo and writing songs. She wrote a piece called The Ritual remembering her family’s holidays. Perhaps it will remind you of some of your own family’s traditions.

Click to play The Ritual. We wish you a peaceful solstice and a happy holiday of your choice and a happy new year.

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