Harvest Cafe Songwriter Showcase

The greater Boston area is a hotbed of talented acoustic singer/songwriters. An organization that’s grown out of, and perhaps outgrown its name, is the Rhode Island Songwriter’s Association. RISA, as it’s called, did start in Rhode Island, but now has members and events all over the northeast. One of the newest events on the RISA calendar is a Songwriters-In-The-Round at the Harvest Cafe in Hudson, MA.

So what is this “in the round” thing about? A group of songwriters take turns playing one song each, then passing to the next person across the stage. Interesting things happen. Themes develop. Performers choose songs they might not have otherwise selected, but fit with what’s just been played. It’s a fun, interactive performance by talented songwriters who don’t usually get to appear together. This month, we’ll have Tom Smith, Paul Pasch and Bethel Steele joining hosts Dan & Faith.

There’s also a challenge. Each month, the audience helps select a topic to challenge the next month’s songwriters. Last month the audience chose, “Comfort Food.” So tonight, there will be five new songs written from that prompt. And you’ll get to help choose what gets written next month.

The Harvest Cafe Songwriter Showcase is a monthly event, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. This month that’s tonight, April 10th. Music starts at 7:30PM. The event is hosted by us, Dan & Faith Senie. We play a song in each round (two, this month, in the challenge round, because we each wrote a new song).

Come out and enjoy dinner at the Harvest Cafe. The food is great, the people friendly, and there’s plenty of live, local music to keep you entertained.

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