Mid Atlantic Song Contest

As if to put a bow on a wonderful year of music, at the close of 2015 we received word that our tune “Grey Skies” was chosen as a finalist in the Mid-Atlanic Song Contest. We recorded this instrumental last winter for our forthcoming CD. The recording features Dan on guitar, Faith on Mandolin, and our dear friends Lorraine Hammond on harp and Bennett Hammond on guitar.

We often use this tune to warm up our fingers when rehearsing. It was born on an overcast winter morning, thus the name Grey Skies.


Looking Back, Looking Forward

2015 has seen us traveling quite a bit, visiting locations up and down the east coast, spending a lot of time in the recording studio, and writing many new songs. We have several more shows before the end of the year, and a CD we’re working to finish off too.

Thanks to old friends and new we’ve seen in our travels. We look forward to more adventures in the new year as we bring out the new album and take to the road to share it with you.

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