The Dream Journal – May 2018


This week we’re experiencing the old saying, “If you don’t like New England weather, wait 5 minutes — it’ll change.” Monday morning, we woke up to snow on the porch roof, and a little bit sticking to the grass. Yesterday, the temperature up on our little mountain hit 82 degrees. We were running around in short sleeves, and had to run the air conditioning in the van. From winter to summer, in 3 days. All we can figure is that Tuesday must have been our spring. And if spring is here and gone, it must be time to get on the road.

We start the road trip on Friday, May 11th in Madison, WI at the Wild Hog In The Woods Coffeehouse, sharing the evening with Sandy Andina. It’s been almost two years since we got a chance to hang out with Sandy, and we’re looking forward to a fun night. The show starts at 7:30pm. Seating is limited, so try to come 10-15 minutes early.

Our next online Concert Window concert is Tuesday, May 15th. Bummed that we’re not traveling anywhere near you, and want to check us out? Bring up from anywhere with internet access and enjoy live music streaming into your living room. We play 8-9pm Eastern time. This month, we’ll be doing it from somewhere on the road! Tune in and play “Where are Dan & Faith tonight?” and marvel at how we manage to fit all those instruments (and us) into the van.

Any of our musician friends attending the South East Regional Folk Alliance (SERFA) conference in Montreat, NC Thursday-Sunday May 17th-20th? We’re playing in four showcases: Acoustic Music Scene, Songwriters Association of Washington, Sunshine State Showcase, and Rupert Wates & Friends. We’re also taking part in a Traditional Song Challenge, where singer-songwriter types have to play a traditional old-time song. Stop by our table in the lobby, or see one of us for our schedule.  Hope we’ll see you there!

One of the fun parts of traveling around the country is finding new venues and new audiences to play for. It’s a bonus if we get to meet other musicians we’ve never met before. On Wednesday, May 23rd, we’ll join four other acts at Ron Goad’s SAW.ORG Music Variety Showcase at the Epicure Cafe in Fairfax, VA, sponsored by the Songwriters Association of Washington. Music runs 7:30-11:30. We’ll share the night with Maame, the Snarky Sisterz, Belle of the Fall, and the evening’s feature, The Watch.

We finish out the month with our good friend Rorie Kelly’s Ladybeast Collective at the Brewers Collective in Bayshore NY on Saturday, May 26th. Once a month, Rorie presents two amazing female fronted acts, followed by an open mic that is open to people of all genders and genres. This show will give us a chance to focus on some of Faith’s songs.  The show runs 7:30-10:30pm.

The next Serendipity Songwriter Session at the Serendipity Cafe in Maynard, MA is Wednesday, May 9th. The guest songwriters this month are Kim Moberg and Kathleen Healy, and Beth DeSombre will be guest-hosting. The theme for this month’s session, chosen by April’s audience, is “That’ll have to wait”. Have dinner and dessert, enjoy some wonderful original music, and help choose the theme for June’s songwriters! Music runs 7:30-9:30pm. Many thanks to Beth for hosting while we’re on the road!

This month, we’d like to share a fun little song with you.  We had a friend in college named Bill.  He was just the sweetest, nicest guy, but he had one little personality quirk — he never seemed to fall in love with a woman unless she was already in love with someone else.  We dedicate The Good Ones Are Always Taken to him!

Our CDs Seeking and Simple Grace are available from us at our shows, on our website, or you can find them at CD Baby, iTunes and most other online music stores.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website, For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

Now that the snow is gone and the weather is warming up, it’s time to get out and find some live local music!

Dan & Faith

The Dream Journal – April 2018


We just got back from a weekend of gigs down on the MA/NH border to find that most of the snow in our fields has melted out, several of the massive snow piles the plow created are gone, and the rest are hardly up to our knees. It’s sure looking like spring out there! Mind you, we still have our snow tires on — this *is* New England, after all! But we’re certainly ready to come out of hibernation.

We’re back in Keene, NH this Saturday, April 7th at The Farm Cafe in the Toadstool Bookshop. Amy & Skip serve up fantastic meals and decadent baked goods, all vegetarian or vegan and gluten free; the bookshop serves up a great collection of books; we’ll serve up some uplifting music to all who come by. We’ll be there 3-5pm.

The next Serendipity Songwriter Session at the Serendipity Cafe in Maynard, MA is Wednesday, April 11th. Our guest songwriters this month are Pat Kenneally and Esther Friedman. The theme for this month’s session, chosen at random by us because our March showcase was postponed due to weather issues, is “Never Again”. Come have dinner and dessert, enjoy some wonderful original music, and help us choose the theme for next month’s songwriters! Music runs 7:30-9:30pm. We’ll have Doug Farrell and Rob Lytle back later in the year to make up for our snow day in March.

Our next online Concert Window concert is Tuesday, April 17th. Want to get out to a midweek concert, but don’t have the energy after a long day at work to drive to the venue and back? Pour yourself a libation, curl up on the couch, tune in to and enjoy live music streaming into your living room. We play 8-9pm Eastern time.

This month we bring you a live video of Dan’s song, Quiet Moments. He wrote it in memory of his dad, who died right before we started songwriting. The video came from The Hearing Room in Lowell, MA back in December 2017.

Our CDs Seeking and Simple Grace are available from us at our shows, on our website, or you can find them at CD Baby, iTunes and most other online music stores.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website, For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

Spring is almost here! Time to get out of the house, get active, speak up, sing out! And stopping in to support your local music venues is always appreciated.

Dan & Faith

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