The Dream Journal – May 2019


We are back home in New England after 10 weeks on the road. We’re incredibly grateful to all the folks we’ve visited with, met and played for on this trip. Over 9000 miles, 30 states, and a ton of photographs later, we’ve come back just in time to watch our two apple trees blossom. We’ve been living here for more than 2 years now, and this will be the first time we’ve been home for apple blossom time. We can’t wait!

It will be great to get back down to Serendipity Cafe in Maynard, MA this coming Wednesday, May 8th for the Serendipity Songwriter Showcase. Our guest songwriters this month are Chuck Williams and Carolyn Waters. Highly likely there will be collaboration! This month’s song topic, as chosen by April’s audience, is “Black Hole“. Stop by, listen to some great original songs, eat tasty food, and help choose the song topic for June’s songwriters. Music runs 7:30-9:30pm. Thanks to Beth DeSombre for hosting last month!

Slightly closer to home, we’re back at the Farm Cafe in the Toadstool Bookshop in Keene, NH on Saturday, May 18th. You’ll find lots of cool books, Skip’s wonderful vegetarian/vegan dishes, Amy’s decadent vegan & gluten free baked goods, and some music from us to enjoy it all by! We play 2:30-4:30pm.

Can’t make it to one of our local shows this month, and have a reasonably decent internet connection? Then you can kick back and relax in your own living room while we play for you via ConcertWindow! Just go to from 8-9pm Eastern Time on Monday, May 20th, snuggle up in your PJs, and enjoy the show. You can tune in from anywhere in the world

Part of what motivated us to get out on the road and travel the country was losing many good friends in a short amount of time. We realized this life is precious, and we should live it to the fullest. Faith’s song, Pictures On The Wall, is dedicated to those friends, and also to recent losses: Lee Villaire, Lynn King and Rob Ayres. You all live on in our hearts.

Our CDs Seeking and Simple Grace are available from us at our shows, on our website, or you can find them at CD Baby, iTunes and most other online music stores.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website, For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

We hope that you are lucky enough to have places near you that support live music, regardless of whether the musicians are from right next door or from many miles away. Please support these wonderful venues!

Dan & Faith

The Dream Journal – April 2019


The US is big. Really big. And when you fly over it from coast to coast, you get some small idea of the scale, but driving across it from coast to coast shows you firsthand just how incredibly big it is. There are places that are wicked crowded, and there are places where you can drive for mile after mile and not see a house or another vehicle. There are areas that are completely flat with arrow-straight roads, and there are areas where you change altitude by 1000 feet or more across a half dozen switchbacks in a mile or two. The vast majority of it is incredibly beautiful, as are the people. We count ourselves incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to see so much of it this past month and a half.

We’re continuing our grand trek around the country this coming Thursday, April 11th at the Artichoke Sandwich Bar in Wichita, KS. The Choke advertises itself as a restaurant by day and a bar by night. They have “fabulously famous” sandwiches. Know anyone in the Wichita area? Send them our way! Music runs 7-9pm.

From Wichita, we make a beeline north to Plain Talk Books & Coffee in Des Moines, IA on Saturday, April 13th. Plain talk is a neighborhood bookstore, coffee shop, breakfast and lunch cafe located in Des Moines’ East Village. We love playing in bookstores, and we hope you love listening in bookstores, especially when there’s good coffee, one-of-a-kind sandwiches and homemade soups available as you listen! We play at noon.

Last summer, we had the opportunity to play at Nickel City Frets in Akron, NY and to meet Buffalo area songwriter Tom Callahan. The spontaneous harmonies that night were a joy! We’re hoping that we can recreate some of that magic as we return with Tom to Nickel City Frets (newly refurbished after a November fire!) on Wednesday, April 24th. Come listen to an evening of shared music, harmony and camaraderie! The fun starts at 7pm.

While we’re out gallivanting around the country, our friend Beth DeSombre is guest hosting the Serendipity Songwriter Showcase at the Serendipity Cafe in Maynard, MA on Wednesday, April 10th. Beth’s guest songwriters this month are Mark Stepakoff and Sam Bayer. The topic, as chosen by March’s audience, is “Maybe tomorrow“. Stop in, listen to some great original songs, eat tasty food, and help choose the song topic for May’s songwriters. Music runs 7:30-9:30pm. Thanks to Dan Tappan for guest hosting last month!

As we wander around the country, we do our best to find the interesting back roads, to stay out of the heavy traffic areas as much as possible. Looking For The Road Less Traveled has become our theme song when we’re out on the road. Enjoy!

Our CDs Seeking and Simple Grace are available from us at our shows, on our website, or you can find them at CD Baby, iTunes and most other online music stores.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website, For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

Spring is here, despite Mother Nature’s best efforts to the contrary! Cure your winter-bound cabin fever by getting out and going to hear live music.

Dan & Faith

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