The Dream Journal – December 2019


Mother Nature decided to get a jump start on winter this week here in New England. We lucked out and only got about 9″ of snow. Several towns south and east of us had well over 20″! For once, our being further north and west saved us from the worst of the storm. We’re hopeful that this storm is it for a while, as we’ve got places to go and music to make!

Our next Serendipity Songwriter Showcase is Wednesday, December 11th at the Serendipity Cafe in Maynard, MA. Our guests this month are Dan Tappan and Beth DeSombre. This month’s song topic, as chosen by November’s audience, is “Claire is leaving!” We’re especially looking forward to this month’s showcase, as Beth and Dan are the folks who fill in for us when we’re traveling, so we hardly ever get to hear their songs anymore. Stop in for some delicious dinner and dessert, stay for great original music! Plus, you get to help choose the song topic for February’s musicians (no showcase in January). Music runs 7:30-9:30pm.

If you haven’t yet figured it out from our recent newsletters, we love our DJ friend Nick Noble at WICN-FM in Worcester, MA. Any opportunity we get to play live on his radio show is something we try to make time for. Nick’s Folk Revival live-with-an-audience holiday extravaganza is Thursday, December 12th, and we’ll be one of 15-plus acts playing on the air over 4 hours. This special show runs 6-10pm on 90.5FM in Worcester or streaming live at (click on “Listen Live Online“). We should be on to play a few songs sometime between 7:45 and 8:15, but we highly recommend listening to the whole show.

By mid-December, most of the snowbirds have flown south, but we’ll be headed north! We’re headed to Radio Bean in Burlington, VT for a joint CD release celebration with our good friend Jason Baker on Sunday, December 15th. Jason has just put out his new album, Common Man Blues, and we have just released Then and Now. Come join us as we share songs from both of our albums. We’ll be playing 7-9:30pm. Good food, good beverages, cool vibe, new music — what’s not to love?

‘Tis the season for Christmas concerts! We’re taking part in the Christmas Musical at the South Parish Unitarian Church at 252 Main Street in Charlestown, NH on Sunday, December 22nd. We’re happy to join in to celebrate community here in our own town. Music starts at 4pm.

With the winter solstice coming up soon, Dan’s song Solstice seems like the logical one to share with you! Chase away darkness, join in our song.

As we close out 2019, we want to thank everyone who has come out to listen to our shows, tuned in for our online concerts, picked up one or more of our albums, or generally been supportive of our musical activities. We do this because we love doing it, but it’s not nearly as much fun if there’s nobody out there listening! We appreciate your being there for us.

Please consider sharing this newsletter with a friend who might like our music, or letting us know about a venue near you that might be willing to have us play. If you have some space in your home and some local music-loving friends, consider hosting us for a house concert! It’s just like having a regular party at your house, but with music. Feel free to contact us for details.

Our albums Then and Now, Seeking and Simple Grace are available from us at our shows, on our website, or you can find them at CD Baby, iTunes and most other online music stores.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website, For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

We wish you a peaceful holiday season and a bountiful new year. Make a resolution to listen to more live local music!

Dan & Faith

The Dream Journal – October 2019


The sumac bushes have turned a brilliant red, the goldenrod is offering a delightful contrasting yellow, and our neighborhood fox came wandering through a few days ago. Folks in town are starting to put up their Halloween pumpkin displays, which have become wonderful works of imagination over the last two years. The zucchini plants have finally given up, and we have butternut squashes all over the garden under the weeds. It must be fall!

Last Thursday we had a delightful visit with DJ Nick Noble at WICN-FM in Worcester, MA on his Folk Revival show. This week, we’re back on the air with Nick again on Thursday evening, October 3rd, as we help him celebrate his 600th show. Nick has invited a whole slew of local artists to stop by during the evening. It promises to be a fun, chaotic night! In the Worcester, MA area, tune in to 90.5FM, or find the show online at and click on “Listen Live Online” in the top right corner (if you don’t see “Listen Live Online”, bring the site up in the Chrome browser). The show runs 7-10pm. We’re likely to be on sometime in the first half of the show, but we won’t know for sure until we get there.

On Wednesday, October 9th, we welcome musical guests Cathy Main and Kirsten Manville to the Serendipity Songwriter Showcase at the Serendipity Cafe in Maynard, MA. This month’s song topic, as chosen by September’s audience, is “Wasting Time“. You won’t be wasting your time if you stop in for dinner, dessert, and live original music! Plus, you get to help choose the song topic for November’s musicians. Music runs 7:30-9:30pm.

We’re making a return trip to the Leo Coffeehouse, run by the Queen City Balladeers in Cincinnati, OH, on Sunday, October 20th. The Queen City Balladeers is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the traditions of roots music and folk performance in Cincinnati. They have regular jam sessions, learning sessions, and concerts. These folks are a great listening audience, and we’re looking forward to playing there again. They have a short open mike at 7pm, followed by two acts at 7:30pm and 8:15pm. One of those will be us. Plus, they have other events going on in the late afternoon, including a singalong and an open jam. These folks know how to share music!

It’s been a few months since we’ve done an online concert, so we decided it’s time for another. We had such good luck with Facebook Live last time that we’re going to give it a try again. So check in on our Facebook page at 8pm Eastern on Tuesday, October 22nd, and we’ll have a link there. You can tune in from anywhere in the world where you have internet connectivity. Plus, you can send us messages live during the concert. And the beauty of doing this on Facebook is that the concert will remain on our page afterward, so if you miss it, you can always watch it later. We’ll be on the road that week, so we’ll be doing the concert from our camper van. Tune in and see how many instruments we can fit in that tiny little space!

We’ll be joining our fellow musicians at two different gatherings this month. The first is the WoodSongs Front Porch Association Gathering of SongFarmers in Berea, KY on Friday and Saturday, October 18th and 19th. A “SongFarmer” is any artist who uses their music to make their families, their hometowns, their careers better. The WoodSongs Front Porch Association is an international network of “front porch” minded musicians, songwriters and fans who love simple, rural music. This gathering is open to the public. If you’re coming to the gathering, let us know so we can get together there.

The second gathering is the Folk Alliance Region Midwest (FARM) conference in Grand Rapids, MI on Thursday through Sunday, October 24th-27th. This is our first visit to FARM, and we’re looking forward to connecting with fellow musicians in the midwest. We’re hosting a private showcase on Saturday night called “Duos and Pairs”. Stop by and say hello!

As we move into leaf peeping season in the north country, Dan’s song, Falling Into Autumn Leaves, seems appropriate. Enjoy!

Our CDs Seeking and Simple Grace are available from us at our shows, on our website, or you can find them at CD Baby, iTunes and most other online music stores.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website, For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

Seasons change, but you can still find live local music.

Dan & Faith

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