The Dream Journal – June 2020


We’ve been doing enough traveling over the last couple of years that we’d forgotten how fickle the weather here in New England can be in spring. Normally it’s OK for us to plant the more tender plants (squashes, cucumbers, tomatoes) on Memorial Day weekend, so the wee bit of frost damage we woke up to on June 1st was a bit of a surprise. Yes, frost on the first of June! Mother Nature has been taking us on quite the temperature roller coaster the last several weeks.

One of the things we’ve missed a great deal since we’ve been off the road is the Serendipity Songwriter Showcase. Now, thanks to the wonders of internet technology, we’re starting it up again this Wednesday, June 10th, as an online song swap. Our guests this month are Kim Moberg and Kathleen Healy. The theme, as chosen by our March audience (wow, so long ago!), is “Monuments”. Tune in to the Rhode Island Songwriters Association Facebook page from 7:30-9:30pm Eastern time. During the show, we’ll announce how we’re going to choose the theme for July’s songwriters, and we’ll post a link for the “after party”, where you can chat with the performers and with other audience members. Oh, and if you’re in the Maynard, MA area, watch the Serendipity Cafe website for their grand reopening later this month! Give Laura and Johnny some love and support and get some tasty food in return.

Need a break from Zoom meetings and binge-watching Netflix? Come join us on Thursday, June 25th at 7pm Eastern for our first concert of the summer! Tune in to our Facebook page, kick back in the comfy chair and relax with a glass of iced tea and our music.

Since our last newsletter, we’ve posted two articles on our Patreon page giving the back story behind two of Dan’s songs. Want to know more about our music? Want to get previews of new recordings before our next CD? Sign up for our Patreon page.  This week’s post will be about Dan’s song, Sixty Eight, and the parallels between 1968 and now.

Our albums Then and Now, Seeking, and Simple Grace are available from us on our website, or you can find them at iTunes and most other online music stores.  Our music is also available streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website. For additional content, follow us on Patreon. For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

We love and support our black brother and sister musicians. We believe that black people deserve the right to live their lives without fear of hatred, harassment, or death at the hands of the people who should protect us all. These are simple rights that many of us take for granted, but are denied to them so often in this country.  Black lives matter.

Dan & Faith

The Dream Journal – May 2020


We hope you are well, and are finding positive ways to keep yourself occupied in these odd times. We’ve taken advantage of all this time at home to put some serious work into preparing our garden and orchard. Yes, orchard. It’s now a proper orchard with 20 fruit trees, a mixture of peaches, pears and apples. We can personally attest to why New Hampshire is known as the Granite State, as we dug up a boulder just slightly smaller than our coffee table while digging the hole to plant the last pear tree! We’ve also been enjoying the opportunity to bake, something we can’t do on the road as our van doesn’t have an oven. Many loaves of sourdough bread, several batches of brownies and a batch or two of cornbread have made being home all the time a lot more pleasant.

Getting to share our music online is also a positive thing. This Saturday, May 23rd, we’re taking part in the Music Salon Live Livestream Concert, three hours of music from 6 different acts. The Music Salon is a house concert series hosted by Linda Marks. Tune in to the Music Salon’s Facebook Group starting at 7pm to enjoy sets by Craig Sonnenfeld, Mark Bishop Evans, Rafael Natan, us, Kenny Selcer, and Linda Marks herself. We’re on at 8:30pm, but we do recommend you listen for the whole show, as these are some outstanding musicians. Each act will go live on the page for 30 minutes at a time.

Look for new online shows coming up in our June newsletter!

If you missed our virtual coffeehouse show last month, you can still find it online here at our Facebook page. It’s our understanding that you don’t need a Facebook account to reach this link.

Need a little hope and optimism to lift your day? Check out our video of Dan’s song, New Vision. Laugh together every day, though there may be sorrow!

Might you be interested in more content from us? Come visit our Patreon page. On Patreon, you get access to exclusive content, community, stories behind our songs, and insight into our creative process. There are three patron levels available. We’re just learning about it, but we can learn together.

Our albums, Then and Now, Seeking, and Simple Grace are available from us on our website, or you can find them at iTunes and most other online music stores.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website. For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

Although live local music is hard to come by these days, there is a lot of amazing music happening online every day of the week. Not sure where to find it? Just ask, and we’ll give you some places to start!

Dan & Faith

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