Category Archives: General

Say A Prayer

This month, we’re offering our recording of Dan’s newest song, Say A Prayer, for both listening and download. It was written in response to the horrific shootings in Newtown CT. We have friends and relatives who live in and around Newtown. A cousin’s co-worker lost a granddaughter that day; a friend’s next door neighbor’s daughter was in one of the rooms where children died, and survived only by playing dead herself. We offer this up as a prayer that no more families should ever have to go through this hell again.

– Dan & Faith

January News

News for the start of a new year:

Our first Bolton Public Library open mike of the new year is this coming Tuesday, January 15th here in Bolton, MA. Stop by to listen or to play! Music starts at 7pm with a 2-song first round. Then we pull the chairs in a circle and jam until we run out of songs, our fingers wear out, or the cleaning crew tosses us out, generally by 9:30pm. We welcome all genres of music, poetry and spoken word. Want to show off that new ukulele you got for Christmas? Got a poem about New Years resolutions? Or just looking for an opportunity to hear wonderful local artists in a laid-back setting? Come on by!

Our first trip of the new year to Acoustic Java, a funky little coffeehouse right near Clark University in Worcester MA, is coming up on Friday, January 18th. And this truly is a coffee house — they bring in huge bags of coffee beans and do their own roasting. Lots of different varieties of coffee, lots of great teas, good sandwiches, and yummy baked goods (including vegan scones!). We play noon-1pm. Stop by for lunch!

It’s definitely coffeehouse month for us! We’ll be at the Coffee Loft in Marlboro, MA on Friday, January 25th, playing from 7-9pm. It’s located in an old converted mill building with lots of character! More great coffee and tea, plus soups and stews and such, plus tunes from us, and a wonderful art gallery. We’re pleased to be back here!

We’ll be taking part in the Folk Song Society of Greater Boston‘s annual member concert on Saturday, January 26th, starting at 7:30pm in Watertown MA. The FSSGB is an organization of people interested in folk music: its traditional origins and sources and its current expressions. It is dedicated to providing opportunities for everyone to make, enjoy, and support this music. The annual member concert is a fundraising opportunity for the organization, and we’re pleased to be part of the festivities. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for members/students, and children 17 and under are free.

All the best, Dan & Faith

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