Category Archives: General

The Dream Journal – April 2021


Tonight, we heard a few spring peepers from our neighbor’s pond! Such a happy sound! Peepers are a sure sign that spring is truly here. The last tiny little lump of snow next to the garage melted away this past weekend. We have our first few garden seedlings sprouting in the house. Celery, parsley, echinacea, tomatoes, eggplant, and kale have all sprouted already, and the peppers should be popping up any day now. We’ll start the squashes in a couple of weeks. We’ve already planted lettuce seed in the whiskey barrel by our door, in hopes of an early lettuce crop. Days are getting longer, the azalea and lilac buds are swelling, and the trees are starting to look a little red around the edges. Spring!! We’re more than ready for it.

Our first Midweek Song Swap of the month is Wednesday, April 7th, when we welcome Davey O. to share some songs with us. Armed with a steady, rhythmic pulse on his Gibson guitar, a battered straw cowboy hat and a no-apologies rust-belt work ethic, Davey crafts pure Americana that is drawn from the deep well of experience and human emotion. We’ll chat and swap songs on our Facebook page and YouTube channel starting at 7:30pm Eastern time.

The Serendipity Songwriter Showcase is back! On Wednesday, April 14th we welcome guest songwriters Jan Seides from Austin, TX and Chuck Williams from Mattapoisett, MA. The theme for this month’s songwriters is, “My Name Is George”. The show starts at 7:30pm Eastern on Facebook and YouTube. Listen in to hear four new songs inspired by that theme, and offer up ideas for May’s theme. And if you’re in the neighborhood of Maynard, MA, stop in at Serendipity Cafe, order up some tasty takeout, and tell Laura and Johnny that we miss them!

We’re back again the following Wednesday, April 21st, for a Midweek Song Swap with Kim Moberg. A self taught finger pick style acoustic guitarist, Kim’s passionate and heartfelt vocals mesmerize listeners while her compositions tug at feelings of melancholy, heartbreak, and healing. We look forward to sharing songs with her, starting at 7:30pm Eastern time on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

If you’ve subscribed to our YouTube channel already, many thanks! If not, we’d love to have you subscribe. It lets you find our videos much more easily, and get notifications when we post new content. Just login to YouTube, head to our channel, and click “Subscribe”. If you’ve missed any of our past shows, you can watch them while you’re there.

Our albums Then and Now, Seeking, and Simple Grace are available from us on our website, or you can find them at iTunes and most other online music stores.  Our music is also available streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website. For additional content, follow us on Patreon. For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

Now that Covid-19 vaccinations are becoming more and more available across the country and around the world, we strongly suggest you get vaccinated, as we are doing. The sooner we can reach herd immunity, the sooner we can all get out and experience live local music again. Online performances are nice, but we sure do miss being in the same room with live audience members!

Dan & Faith

The Dream Journal – March 2021


We’re finally working our way out of the deep freeze and into our favorite New England season — maple syrup season! When daytime highs pop above freezing and the nighttime lows drop back down below, the sap starts flowing, the sugar shacks start up their boiling pans, and things turn mighty sweet in our part of the country. Little did we realize when we moved to New Hampshire that we were smack dab in the middle of maple syrup central! We’re looking forward to stopping by the local sugar shacks over the next few weeks to check out their products. There’s some sweet music coming up this month, too.

Our first Midweek Song Swap of the month, this coming Wednesday, March 3rd, features Chicago-based singer-songwriter Sue Fink. Sue has been enchanting audiences since 2001 with her whimsical perspective on the world. She is a witty social commentator and perceptive observer of the human condition. Her genre, which she calls “urban campfire cabaret,” is folk with a hint of jazz, a large dollop of humor, and a drop of sadness for good measure. She’ll be swapping songs with us starting at 7:30pm Eastern time on our Facebook and YouTube channels.

Years ago we joined a group called GoGirlsMusic, an all volunteer organization to promote women in music (“cuz chicks rock!”). The network of friends we developed from GoGirls has helped us a lot since then, and we were heartbroken when GoGirls shut down back in 2017. Well, GoGirls is back! The Invasion of the GoGirls Livestream Show starts on Saturday, March 6th at 2pm Eastern time with a series of interviews and videos, including The Resizters, Palomar Symphony Orchestra, James Kennedy & Friends, Jessie Rae, Harriet Schock, The Steph Pappas Experience, and us! Our GoGirls fearless leader, Madalyn Sklar will emcee the event. Check it out at the GoGirls Facebook page!

Our Midweek Song Swap series continues on Wednesday, March 17th with Pat Lamanna. Pat has been writing and performing songs her entire adult life. Her songs have a strong folk influence, and cover issues such as peace, religion and the environment. We’ll be swapping songs starting at 7:30pm Eastern time on our Facebook and YouTube pages.

The Serendipity Songwriter Showcase is enjoying a bit more of a winter break, and hopes to be back in April. If you’re in the neighborhood of Maynard, MA, stop by the Serendipity Cafe, get yourself some tasty takeout, and tell Laura and Johnny we miss them!

If you’ve subscribed to our YouTube channel already, many thanks! If not, we’d love to have you subscribe. It lets you find our videos much more easily, and get notifications when we post new content. Just login to YouTube, head to our channel, and click “Subscribe”. If you’ve missed any of our past shows, you can watch them while you’re there.

Our albums Then and Now, Seeking, and Simple Grace are available from us on our website, or you can find them at iTunes and most other online music stores.  Our music is also available streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website. For additional content, follow us on Patreon. For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

The sap is flowing, the days are getting longer, the temperatures are moderating, and we’ve just picked up potting soil for starting seedlings. Can spring be far behind?

Dan & Faith

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