Author Archives: Dan and Faith

The Dream Journal – September 2020


We’ve gone from the deep heat of summer to a touch of fall up here in New Hampshire. The sunsets have been coming a bit earlier, and it looks like the swamp maples are starting to show a bit of a rosy blush to their leaves. Blackberry season turned out to be fairly long, but the blackberries were somewhat dried out by our drought. The neighborhood blueberry farm, on the other hand, had a great season! We now have several pints of blueberry sorbet and some blueberry jam to show for it. Peaches are in now, and apples are coming up soon! It’s a great time of the year.

Our midweek song swaps have been a ton of fun! One of the beautiful things about doing these shows online is that we can bring in folks from far-flung parts of the country. The next one is this Wednesday, September 2nd at 7:30pm Eastern time, when we welcome Aaron Fowler and Laura Dungan from Wichita, KS. Who knows, maybe Ms. Bella, their therapy dog, might also make an appearance! Tune in to our Facebook page or YouTube page and enjoy some cross-country original music and conversation.

This month’s Serendipity Songwriters Showcase on Wednesday, September 9th brings us back to the east coast with Doug Alan Wilcox from MD and Kala Farnham from CT. The song theme for the evening, as offered by our August audience, is “Penny in a well”. Tune in to our Facebook page or YouTube page, snuggle up on the couch, enjoy a bunch of great original music, and be ready to send in your own theme idea for October’s show. The fun starts at 7:30pm Eastern time. Oh, and if you’re in the neighborhood of the Serendipity Cafe in Maynard, MA, stop in, pick up dinner and fresh baked dessert, and tell Laura & Johnny that we miss them!

We’ve been doing a bunch of shows with other folks these last few months, so we figured it was time to do a “solo duo” show, so to speak! Join us Wednesday, September 23rd at 7:30pm Eastern time on our Facebook or YouTube page. Any particular songs you want to hear? Let us know!

It’s great that we can swap songs with folks around the country via the Internet, but we sure do miss being out on the road and seeing folks in person. Until we can do that again, enjoy our song, Ramblin’ Round!

We appreciate the folks who have subscribed to our YouTube channel this past month. If you subscribe, you can get notifications when we have new content, or when we’re going live. If you haven’t yet done so, just login to YouTube, head to our channel, and click “Subscribe”. While you’re there, check out our videos!

Our albums Then and Now, Seeking, and Simple Grace are available from us on our website, or you can find them at iTunes and most other online music stores.  Our music is also available streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website. For additional content, follow us on Patreon. For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

If you’re not yet registered to vote in the November elections, contact your town or city hall and get yourself registered! It’s an important part of being a citizen. Make your voice be heard! Not a citizen? You can still volunteer for the campaign of your favorite candidate, or see if your local polling place needs volunteers for election day. Every little bit helps!

Dan & Faith

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