The Dream Journal – March 2018


They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. In which case, we’re hoping for excellent weather at the end of the month! We’ve been watching the news reports of coastal flooding out of RI, MA and the NH coast while the snow falls here in western NH. For us, thankfully, it was a pretty normal snowstorm. Now to dig out…

We’ll definitely be dug out by tomorrow, Saturday, March 3rd so we can head down to the Farm Cafe at the Toadstool Bookshop in Keene, NH. We’ve missed our last two shows at the cafe due to bad weather, and doggone it, we’re going to be there this time! Amy and Skip will have some tasty veg food, we’ll have some good music, and you can pick up some bedtime reading on your way out of the bookstore. We’ll play 3-5pm. Stop by!

The next Serendipity Songwriter Session at the Serendipity Cafe in Maynard, MA is Wednesday, March 14th. Our guest songwriters this month are Doug Farrell and Rob Lytle. The theme for this month’s session, as chosen by our February audience, is “Midlife Crisis”. Come have dinner and dessert, enjoy some wonderful original music, and help us choose the theme for next month’s songwriters! Music runs 7:30-9:30pm.

Our next online Concert Window concert is Tuesday, March 20th. If getting out to see live music is difficult for you, or you’re not normally anywhere near us, we bring the concert to you! Curl up on the couch with a hot toddy and a snuggly blanket, tune in to and enjoy live music streaming into your living room. We play 8-9pm Eastern time. We’re pretty sure we’ll be doing this one from home, so you can check out the new video background in our music room, too.

We’re pleased to be involved in the inaugural show of the Rhode Island Songwriters Association and Mushroom Musicians Presents – Songwriters in the Round at The Hearing Room in Lowell, MA on Friday, March 30th. As with our own Serendipity Songwriter Sessions, the Hearing Room SITR has a prompt for which we get to write a song. For this month’s session, the prompt is “Who I Am”. We’ll be sharing the evening with David Hardwick. The Hearing Room is a funky arts space in Lowell, and we’re happy to help kick off what should be another fun New England in-the-round. And you can help choose the theme for next month’s songwriters! Doors open at 7pm, music runs 8-10pm. Suggested donation of $6.

For us, March goes out like a lion! We finish up the month with a feature at the Saturday night open mike at Coffee Coffee in Salem, NH on Saturday, March 31st. The open mike runs 6-9pm. Come settle in with a cup of coffee and listen, or you can play in the open mike.

We’re starting to get a few more videos up online. Take a look at Dan’s song, Sixty Eight. It tells the story of a time of turmoil. Riots in the streets. A divisive presidential election was going on. And the space race was in full swing. The year was 1968.

Our CDs Seeking and Simple Grace are available from us at our shows, on our website, or you can find them at CD Baby, iTunes and most other online music stores.

As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website, For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).

We’re very pleased to see a new generation becoming politically aware and active in this country, though we wish their reasons for doing so could be less dire. We stand behind these kids as they find their voices and cry Never Again.

Dan & Faith