The Dream Journal – February 2018
Ever notice that sometimes the universe conspires to put you in a place you wouldn’t otherwise have ended up, and exactly at the best possible time? That just happened to us. We decided this year we would stick around home during the winter, and not travel south. And then a family gathering was scheduled for early February. In Florida. It was too late to book gigs for the trip, but hey, we figured we could visit friends and relatives along the way. So we decided to do the trip. Then, right before we left, Elon Musk said that SpaceX was going to launch the Falcon Heavy rocket (with his Tesla roadster as its payload) the following week, while we would be in Florida. And suddenly what was going to be a laid-back trip down and back, with a nice family party in the middle, suddenly became a once-in-a-lifetime trip! You can see Dan’s photos of the launch and subsequent double booster rocket landing here.
Because of the road trip, it’s been a quiet month gig-wise.
Have you ever tuned into a concert online? You get the best of both worlds — you get to watch a live concert, and you don’t need to leave the house to do it. You can interact with us via the chat window, and nobody has to know that you’re curled up on the couch in your PJs, snuggling with the cat. We’ve been doing a regular monthly Concert Window online concert on the third Tuesday of the month. This month, that’s this coming Tuesday, February 20th. Just tune in to from 8-9pm Eastern time, sit back with your favorite hot toddy, and enjoy! You don’t have to be in the same timezone with us. Or even in the same country. How cool is that?
We finally have our home music studio set up well enough to start recording demos of possible songs for our next CD. We don’t have a timeframe on the CD yet, but we certainly have enough material for it! We’re recording a bunch of our newest songs, but also a few of the older ones that we love and want to consider re-releasing. Since this past week was Valentine’s Day, we figured the love song that Dan wrote for Faith’s birthday would be the perfect thing to share. Please enjoy In My Dreams, and share it with your sweetheart!
Our CDs Seeking and Simple Grace are available from us at our shows, on our website, or you can find them at CD Baby, iTunes and most other online music stores.
As always, you can find additional schedule information on our website, For more frequent news updates and information, check out our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (@danandfaith).
Got young kids? grandkids? nieces or nephews? Bet they’d love to hear live local music! They might just grow up and become the next generation’s musicians. Music shouldn’t be a contest — it’s something to share with everyone.
Dan & Faith